Thinking about getting a motorcycle built at Mostyn? - Mostyn Performance Motorcycles

Thinking about getting a motorcycle built at Mostyn?

Posted on : November 30, -0001
Views : 1369
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Raf Solomon talking about the process of building a custom motorcycle at Mostyn Motorcycles. There’s never enough space in the garage for all the bikes a rider wants. Occasionally we find ourselves thinking, I love the tank on the Triumph, the look of that Vincent motor and the seat from the Mostyn site (yes we can shamelessly plug ourselves… it’s our site we do what we want). So what’s the answer? A custom build bringing together all that is good in this world onto a rolling piece of art that shows not only your personality but your unwillingness to compromise! Next comes the search on google to fill in the blanks. What indicators? What handlebars? During your search you find us and think.. “maybe these guys know what they are doing?! They certainly know how to wield a grinder”. So what’s the process from here. Get in touch with us. Show us your ideas. Maybe we can throw some of our ideas into the ring. Work out a cost involved not including the price of the bike. Source a bike. Either you have one already or we can do the leg work and help source one Cutting, welding, painting and just generally getting greasy! We will be doing the same. Check out the finished product and ride away with a grin from ear to ear!

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